John, some day I'd love to read more of your thoughts on the evolution of Elon. I remember back in The Future Starts Here when you were still somehow admirative of him and his fantasies, and now we are all forced to admit that he indeed appears like a super villain. Although terribly scary for the near future, I nonetheless find him fascinating from a cultural point of view. He seems to me a very new kind of villain, as opposed to, say, Putin, whose behavior simply echoes the dictators of a 100 years ago, at least in my view.

On the other hand, Trump I simply find grotesque and baffling, and the fact that he would get elected a SECOND time, or that a not-unsignificant portion of his fanbase consider him "anointed by God", seems to me to say more about the state of the US in the 21st century rather than anything about Trump himself. He's almost more of a personification of everything that's wrong these days than an actual human being. The incarnation of late-stage capitalism, greed and stupidity made flesh in the most caricatural possible way. Like how this woman ends up looking like by the end of the film The Substance.

Look at the pump and circumstance of an old Nazi rally, for instance from Triumph of the Will. Then, compare with Trump's inauguration evening where instead of a speech, he played disco music. I cannot shake off of me the idea that Terrence McKenna was right, and that the world DID in fact end in 2012. Without anyone noticing, we then found ourselves in a bizarro world where everything looks just about the same, but for some minute details, which over time have been growing butterfly effect-style and now here we are. Stranger than we could have possibly imagined indeed.

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Oh shit! I had no idea about the earlier meaning of "Doge." That all connects together shockingly well...

I think these guys believe that opposition to fascism comes solely from a place of compassion (which they view as weakness), and will have to rediscover, the hard way, that it also just doesn't fucking work!!

There's a legend about Kirby's New Gods, that if he was able to finish the story properly, as originally intended, it would have been revealed that Darkseid's desperately sought after "Anti-Life Equation," with which he hopes to enslave the universe, simply does not exist.

Similarly, what Musk and Trump want is doomed to fail, because it also doesn't exist, but the fallout of their pursuit certainly does...

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The Leader seems to have the same hairline as Dominic Cummings

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Annoyingly, Audible won’t let me pre-order because I don’t actually subscribe, I just buy what I like when I like - which seems to exclude me from pre-ordering…😡

I do most of my “reading” on the move - would’ve loved for ‘Chapel Perilous’ to be on Audible too!

Really looking forward to hearing you read ‘Exterminate!’…

On the topic of Musk - is it pure coincidence that he has essentially besmirched the good the name of Tesla… As did Donnie’s uncle, who was tasked with going through Tesla’s papers on his death, and pronounced them worthless…🤔

Best wishes from Oz…🙂

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Looking forward to seeing you in Shoreham.

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